Just a quick update

It’s been awhile, so I’ll just post a quick update. We have new pictures of Ben, and we’ll post them later in the week.

This weekend Ben seems to have caught a little cold, which had Scott and I worred last night. Poor little guy has a deep raspy cough and his voice is a little horse too. His breathing has changed a bit also. Nurse Kim came today and said that the important thing is that Ben’s lungs are clear, so there is no fluid buildup interfering with his Oxygen updake. Maybe Ben just caught a small headcold or has some allergies? He’s sleeping a lot today (and has all weekend), and eating a little less. In addition to this, he has lost weight for the past two weeks. He was Eleven pounds thirteen ounces two weeks ago (not twelve six…unfortunately!) and lost weight so he is back to eleven/three. As usual, though, Ben has his own agenda. He is still happy and talkative when he’s awake, and his color has been fantastic…so we’re just keeping a close eye on him and making sure he gets plenty of rest.

Last week was a crazy one…school is finally done and I”m back to being a mommy full time again (which I LOVE). Ben stayed with grandma on monday, I was home on tuesday, Karen was here for the morning on wednesday then Ben went with me back to school for the end of the year teacher’s lunch….Thursday Scott was home AND when I got home we went to IKEA for a look-see (it’s fabulous!), then friday was a day with mom again. Ben’s schedule was all disrupted as a result of all the activity, so this week will be spent getting him back on track with a little naptime/waketime rhythm. I’m not really strict with Ben’s schedule (he tends to set his own agenda anyway) but a little structure does him sooooo much good. We’re working on ways to keep this structure when we travel this summer, we’ll be going on a couple small trips with Ben in July. He’ll be a much happier boy if things are at least a little normal. 🙂

In more mundane news, Scott had a great first father’s day (Ben gave him an honorary leaky-diaper salute…and not the nice kind, as if there is a nice kind), and we went to his parent’s house for dinner. Ben also got to spend some time with Scott’s parents this weekend, as Scott and I went to a wedding in Midland (had kind of a pseudo-date, or at least some alone time).

Well, pictures later…I”ll try not to worry too much about Ben’s snottiness…you try too.

3 Responses to “Just a quick update”

  1. purlewe Says:

    all that and scrapbooking?? wow.

    so how did it turn out?

  2. Anonymous Says:

    How is Ben’s cold doing? And happy Father’s Day, Scott! Nancy Q.

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